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Tips for Changing Language On GTA San Andreas

At the tips this time, we will try to edit the language in the game GTA San Andreas Playstation 2.Actually for the Indonesian version of this GTA game, because I'm old and until now when the supply of these tips were written, still in great demand by the people ", not because of the influence of language aja who've changed, but because this GTA game had a special attraction that gives freedom to the player at will do any kind you want, plus a game cheat that can make players more ketagian to play it.
And the tips this time I tried to change the language of this GTA that was already changed some of the language into Indonesian, so we can modify the language again in this GTA game so that people who play feel comforted in play.
We can change again from the Indonesian language to the language that is more hilarious or as in this trick I change into local languages.

For more details, we start the tips.
First of all extract the GTA San Andreas to the PC and if it is a file "would like the picture below,

Tips for Changing Language On GTA San Andreas Reviewed by ps2 gamer on 10/30/10 Rating: 4.5