ps2 trick for those wanting to change a hard drive

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caring for an easy way ps2

how to care for ps2 that easy. ie we treat our daengan ps2 engine wise.below are a few things to note:1. jangan lit more than 10 hours2. atau after 10 hours give us pause about an hour3. if we use the ps2 hard drive at least we can see the hard drive capacity4. we can add a fan for cooling5. for heavy game we should not often play because it will reduce the active period of our machines6. for those who still optically better we can choose good quality cd games7. most needs to do is check our ps2 to a service person periodically
8. Do not disassemble itself ps2 us if we feel inadequate because it would only accelerate the machine age ps2
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caring for an easy way ps2 Reviewed by ps2 gamer on 10/31/10 Rating: 4.5